Videos of the virtual lecture series II

Liz Miller,
Concordia University, Montreal

WasteScapes: Augmented Documentary as Critical Place-Based Learning

to the recording

Florian Mundhenke,
University of Alberta

The VR Documentary – History, Theory, Examples

to the recording

Stefan Werning,
Uetrecht University

Creative (Eco-)Metagaming As Digital Documentary Practice

to the recording

Patty Zimmermann & Dale Hudson,
Ithaca College & NYU Abu Dhabi

Documentary’s Augmented Realities

to the recording

Mandy Rose,
UWE Bristol

The Possible Worlds of VR Documentary

to the recording

Judith Aston & Stefano Odorico,
UWE Bristol & Limerick School of Art and Design

The Polyphonic Documentary project: relationality and extreme heat

to the recording