Conference Presentations & Video Essays

„‚Walk in your own shoes‘ Dismantling the promise of VR non-fiction as the ultimate empathy machine and fathoming the potential of dis-immersion as critical intervention“

Dieser Video-Essay „‚Walk in your own shoes‘ Dismantling the promise of VR non-fiction as the ultimate empathy machine and fathoming the potential of dis-immersion as critical intervention“ basiert auf einem Beitrag auf der #IFM conference 2021

‚Images of Ecology‘ and ‚Ecologies of Images‘.
Multimodal Eco Literacy and Other Tentative Approaches to Embrace Complex Entanglements and Co-Creative Engagement

Dieser Video-Essay „‚Images of Ecology‘ and ‚Ecologies of Images‘. Multimodal Eco Literacy and Other Tentative Approaches to Embrace Complex Entanglements and Co-Creative Engagement“ basiert auf einem Beitrag auf der #IFM conference 2022 . 

Entangled Ecologies.
Interactive Documentary between Living Archive, Responsible Witnessing and Relational Co-Creation

Dieser Video-Essay „Entangled Ecologies. Interactive Documentary between Living Archive, Responsible Witnessing and Relational Co-Creation“ basiert auf einem Beitrag auf der Visible Conference 2022 – Images of History.