Jasmin Kermanchi, University of Hamburg
When journalism meets i-docs: New practices and forms of expression as a result of convergence

When journalism meets i-docs: New practices and forms of expression as a result of a convergence
The lecture looks at the transformation of journalism in the digital age, focusing on new practices and forms of expression resulting from the convergence of journalism and interactive documentaries. The participation of communities or individuals through user-generated content or co-creation and interactive forms of presentation such as newsgames or web-documentaries offer new potentials for journalism and lead to a change in its functions, which can be seen in various examples of i-docs. One trend the presentation will demonstrate is how journalistic processes, as well as the complex issues journalists report on, are replicated and made experienceable in i-docs.

Jasmin Kermanchi: https://www.slm.uni-hamburg.de/imk/personen/kermanchi.html